So, people have been asking about Nerdorkable Crafts. I know, I'm people and I had a few questions of my own! Nerdorkable Crafts is a tictail store created by Erin. While there isn't a lot posted there now, she's got some pretty big plans. So I'm going to breakdown what she is offering and what she's planning to offer, as well as estimated pricing. I understand that she's trying to keep the price as low as possible, so that's pretty neat.
First are the Perler Sprites and coasters. She currently has listed a set of four Perler Sprite coasters done in the power puff girls style, the fourth being a heart. They're normally $1.25 but she's doing the lot for $4.00, so you save a dollar. As for the Sprites, they will vary based on the content. For instance a Minecraft styled coaster would be $1.25, whereas the Pacman style ghosts would be $0.75. This is essentially at cost, plus a very small markup for the time spent in making these things.
The next thing on her list are her "Lovelets." There are bracelets made with love, it seems, and are all completely crafted by hand. It takes her about a day to make two, and colors vary. They are $2.00 each right now, $3.00 for customized. She's planning to do a discount on premade, 15 lovelets for $10.00 just to get rid of some stock. They are three colors, mine is blue, black, and red. I wear it everywhere.
Finally there's future product. She's making soaps, but isn't sure there is an interest in custom made soaps. She's going to experiment and will give us pricing later. I'll update this at that time. She's also got a couple of scarves in stock. They are done on a hoop, so you have a long sleeve, essentially. Really warm, and while most people wear these around their necks, I like to stick my arms in mine (especially when it's really cold!). These are $15-$20 depending on which type of yarn was used and how many skeins she had to buy to make it.
So all in all, some pretty cool stuff! I've got a link to her store below, just copy it and paste it in your browser. Happy buying, happy holidays!
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