Monday, February 1, 2016

BAEN Fantasy Contest!

It's another year, and Baen books is hosting another fantasy award contest. The rules are available in the link at the bottom of this post, just copy it from me and paste it in your browser. While I know the link to be safe, it is up to you to double check these things. Look, I know I'm honest, but you probably don't know me. I'm not asking you to cry stranger danger at me, only that you should always be wary of trusting strangers. In this case the link is legit, but good on you for googling "Baen Fantasy Award 2016" and finding the below link.

This is the year! I've got it ready, but there's a bloody CATCH! The word limit is 8K and I'm almost 3K words over. I think if I cut the prologue out completely, and do some editing, I can cut it down... After all the trouble of GETTING to 12K total words (I kept writing after the end, I want to see where it goes) I'm cutting it down. Ay de mi! But what can you do? Well, I'm going to get it done, and done right!

Okay, so what is it about? My fans know a bit about Eandyil Nathar, my elven name that I've used everywhere from Everquest to EVE Online to World of Warcraft. He's guiding a couple of troubled kids, Chase the son of a Guard and Rhian the daughter of a local noble, on a journey to save the world... only they don't know that part yet. For them, it's just about surviving. They don't want to suffer a fate worse than death. What can you do? Flee, of course, which brings us back to Ean and his mission. I'll tell you how I do.

Are you going to enter? I say, "Go for it!" It doesn't increase my chances if you do, and if you win (and I take second) I'll kick myself for it, but if you are that blamed good, or even if you are just curious, you owe it to yourself to try. I'll send well wishes and the best of luck to you! You get them tiger, you can do it! I'll meet you on the field of battle: I'll be the one wearing Elven Steel. Until then, ciao!

That link:

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