Alright, so computer gaming is technically a waste of time. Look, no matter how you slice it, no matter how amazing the game is, it all comes back to a time sink. Do I care? Absolutely not! Fallout 4 is the newest game in the Fallout Universe. A quick and dirty history: In the year 2077, the world was nuked back to the stone age. Alright, maybe not quite that bad, but two hundred years after the war people are still dependent on the "ancient" technologies if the prewar era. There are prototypes put to use, and (spoiler) there is one group of people who have actually surpassed the prewar tech and continue progressing forward, but aside from that one group even the most technologically advanced groups are using and maintaining the prewar tech. If this sounds interesting to you, I definitely suggest checking out the Fallout games.
So Fallout 4 sucked me in. I’ve spent days in this immersive world, crafting, modding, building. Frankly, it is one of the better games I’ve played. Oh there’s problems. A lot of the dialogue is canned, the game engine needs an overhaul, and in spite of how great the game itself looks the bodies/faces of the people in this game are a little underwhelming. I look forward to the mods, and it’s one reason I prefer the PC over any other system for games like this. I’d love to see either an official or player made expansion, letting you revisit the locations of the earlier games. Seriously, the in game weapon and armor mods are very well done, and if I could not only do this with Fallout 4 but also see the effects of what my character did in Fallout 3/New Vegas/2/1? Yeah, that would be awesome!
I’m still rambling, but I’ll try to get to the point. If you are interested in shooter games, you’ll enjoy this one. If you are interested in RPG games, you’ll probably enjoy this one. If you like to build stuff, micromanaging your little communities like a freaking boss, this is a great game for you! I’ve been building my own personal mansion, but I’m not at all pleased with the building options I have. Even with the five Picket Fences magazines, I just don’t like the look of what is available build wise. With the player/mod community, however, I know it’s only a matter of time before I can do such things as remove and/or repair the prewar housing and then custom build my own, no doubt awesome, mansion. What? Oh, time to load back into Fallout 4. I’ll see you in Boston, my friends!